Examples of Assertive or Declarative Sentence

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 Definition of Assertive/Declarative Sentence:

Most of the sentences of English language are assertive sentences. The sentence which declares or asserts a statement, feeling, opinion, incident, event, history, or anything is called an assertive sentence. An assertive sentence ends with a period (.). Assertive sentences can be either affirmative or negative.


  • Alex is a good baseball player.
  • He plays for the Rockers club.
  • He always gives his best effort in the team.
  • He is a good leader.
  • I like him for his intensity.
  • He plays with passion.
  • Alex feels awkward when someone gives a compliment to him.
  • He is a humble man.
  • He is popular among his friends but he feels awkward with strangers.
  • He has many fans in his locality.
  • His father was a lawyer.
  • When he was young, his father died.
  • He is a real fighter.
  • He fought against all the odds of life and became successful.
  • His fans love him.
  • His mother raised him to be a gentleman.
  • He is always humble and patient with his fans.
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