How to Use "Whereas" with Examples and Avoid Common Mistakes

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Understanding how to use "whereas" properly can enhance the quality of your writing and add depth to your statements. In this article, we will explore the meaning of this word and how to use it effectively in various sentence structures.

What Does "Whereas" Mean?

"Whereas" is a conjunction that is used to introduce a contrasting or comparison clause. It helps establish a relationship between two different ideas, highlighting their differences or juxtaposition. 

How to Use Whereas?

"Whereas" is a conjunction that plays a vital role in introducing clauses that provide background information, set a context, or emphasize contrasting ideas. It is commonly employed in legal, formal, and academic writing but can also find its place in everyday language.

Use #1: Showing Differences or Contrasting Facts

One of the primary purposes of "whereas" is to show the difference between two things or facts within a sentence.


  • Dogs love playing fetch, whereas cats are more independent creatures.
  • John is a morning person, whereas Sarah is a night owl.
  • The company's profits increased last year, whereas this year, they faced significant losses.
  • The old building had a charming facade, whereas the new one has a sleek modern design.

Use #2: Introducing a Clause

It is also used to introduce a clause, making it suitable for starting a sentence or appearing in the middle of a sentence. However, it is never found at the end of a sentence. 


  • Whereas some people enjoy spicy food, others prefer mild flavors.
  • Whereas the project seemed simple in the beginning, it turned out to be quite complex.
  • Whereas the novel started as a romance, it evolved into a thrilling mystery.
  • Whereas she once feared public speaking, she now excels at it after taking a course.

Use #3: Comma Placement

When using this word to introduce a clause, it is essential to place a comma before it, but not after. The comma provides a brief pause and sets the stage for the contrasting idea. 


  • She enjoys painting landscapes, whereas her brother prefers abstract art.
  • The restaurant serves delicious food, whereas the service needs improvement.
  • We have seen great progress in our project, whereas the competitors are falling behind.
  • The first book in the series was captivating, whereas the sequel failed to impress readers.

Common Mistakes While Using "Whereas"

While "whereas" is a useful conjunction, its improper use can lead to confusion or unclear sentences. Avoid using it in contexts where it doesn't create a clear contrast between ideas.

Using "Whereas" as a Synonym for "While"

Incorrect: "He preferred tea, whereas she coffee."

Correct: "He preferred tea, whereas she preferred coffee."

Explanation: In this example, "whereas" should not be used as a synonym for "while." The correct usage requires a repetition of the verb "preferred" to make the sentence grammatically sound.

Overusing in a Paragraph

Incorrect: "Whereas the weather was warm, whereas the sky was clear, whereas the birds were singing."

Correct: "The weather was warm, the sky was clear, and the birds were singing."

Explanation: Using this conjunction multiple times in the same paragraph can lead to redundancy. Instead, replace it with simple conjunctions like "and" to convey the intended meaning more effectively.

Using it Without a Comma

Incorrect: "Whereas the sun sets the stars begin to appear."

Correct: "Whereas the sun sets, the stars begin to appear."

Explanation: When introducing a clause with this word, it is essential to use a comma after it. This helps to set the clause apart and prevents confusion.

Incorrect Placement

Incorrect: "The team won the championship, whereas with their consistent efforts."

Correct: "Whereas the team put in consistent efforts, they won the championship."

Explanation: Placing "whereas" at the beginning of a sentence requires the following clause to provide the contrasting or contextual information.

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