Examples of Past Tense
Past Tense represents actions happened in the past. Example: Bill attended the program.
Examples of Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Continuous tense represents the work which started in the past and is still running.
Examples of Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect tense represents the work which has been done but the effect of which still exists. It
Examples of Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense narrates an action which is being continued or going to be continued in the
Examples of Present Indefinite Tense
Present Indefinite Tense represents an action which is regular or normal or true and uses the base form
Examples of Present Tense
Tense denotes to the time of an action or event. It describes when the work is done, i.e. in the present,
Examples of Quantifiers for Both Countable and Uncountable Nouns
These quantifiers quantify not only countable nouns but also uncountable nouns. Example: We had a lot
Examples of Quantifiers for Uncountable Nouns
These quantifiers quantify only the uncountable nouns. Example: Jeff is a bit tired.
Examples of Quantifiers for Countable Nouns
These quantifiers quantify only the countable nouns. These are few, many, a number of, several, etc.
Examples of Quantifiers
A quantifier is a word used before a noun to describe its quantity. Example: I saw few people in the
Examples of Negation Adding Prefixes
Negation can also be done by using prefixes such as Un, Im, In, Dis, De etc.
Examples of Negation Using Negative Adjectives & Adverbs
The following negative adjectives or adverbs are also used for negation: Little, few, a little, a few,
Examples of Negation Using Negative Words
We use the following negative words for negation: No, not, nothing, never, no one, none, nobody, nowhere,
Examples of Negation
When it is necessary to state that a fact is not true, it can be done by using any negative words, phrases
Examples of Adverbs as Modifiers
The word modifying an adjective, a verb, or another adverb is called adverb. Example: Alex was running
Examples of Adjectives as Modifiers
Adjectives are words that modify nouns or pronouns. Adjective, Adjective Phrase, and Adjective Clause
Examples of Modifiers
A modifier is defined as a word or a group of words functioning like an adjective or adverb to describe
Examples of Inversion Used after "So+ Adjective"
Inversion is also used in a sentence starting with “so+ adjective” where inversion takes place after
Examples of Inversion Used after "Here" and "There"
Inversion takes place after “here” and “there” where it refers to an adverb of place and the