Examples of Prepositional Phrase
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Definition of Prepositional Phrase
A prepositional phrase contains a preposition at the beginning and conducts the function of an adjective, adverb or noun.
Examples of Prepositional Phrase
- The people with whom I met at the program were friendly.
- The salesperson sells from door to door.
- We are on the way to California.
- Jeff was asking about the project.
- Suzan was putting the flowers in the vase.
- Dana was looking into the mirror.
- Richard loves to travel around the world.
- We were able to fix the car after many tries.
- Please pass me the book with green cover.
- Look at the man in the red shirt; he is looking suspicious.
- We can reach this decision by the light of the discussion.
- We can start our journey now because according to the weather forecast it will be sunny today.
- Jeff along with Rock came to meet us.
- Our boss gave us many instructions regarding the project.
- We are now going over the bridge.
- We are traveling towards the jungle.
- We cannot see anyone through the window.
- The hollow-eyed man was coming towards us.
- Please try to think out of the box.
- Gradually we are getting into trouble.
Other types of phrase examples:
- Noun Phrase Examples
- Adjective Phrase Examples
- Adverbial Phrase Examples
- Conjunctional Phrase Examples
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